Signs better security is needed
No matter where you live, better security is always a plus. But, do you really need it? We offer these handy tips to help you decide. Keep reading and see how making some simple and easy changes to your surroundings can make a world of difference in your safety and protection.
There used to be a time, not so long ago, when neighbors freely walked into each other’s homes as welcome friends. Locals didn’t lock doors or windows so much and kids couldn’t wait to go out and play until dark. The thought of home invaders, car theft, or human trafficking was almost non-existent. What happened? Times are different now. Even the best of neighborhoods have gates, roving patrols, watch programs and even security cameras. Poorer or less secure areas are constantly barraged by the sounds of police sirens, ambulances and helicopters. Times are definitely different!
Become aware!
Whether you live in a posh country club or a government tenement, you can start your quest for better security by simply being more aware of your situation and surroundings. You can do this no matter where you are; on vacation, at home, at work, at your business, in a store; everywhere! No one is saying to get paranoid and always looking over your shoulder! What we ARE saying is to heighten your sense of those around you.
Many of us as children learned to cross a street by stopping, looking and listening. Those simple instructions served us well. Today, thousands of people are killed or injured every month simply crossing a street! They are distracted, inattentive and often feeling entitled because pedestrians have the right of way!
Notice how many grocery carts have purses in them while the shopper is walking down the aisle to get a carton or can of something. It only takes a moment for someone to grab that purse along with the keys, cash, driver’s license, credit cards and smart phone inside!
We often see parents walking down the street or in a store with tiny children barely old enough to walk running and playing BEHIND them. A child can be snatched quickly and rushed into a waiting van before the absent minded parent even turns around!
Not in MY neighborhood!
Here in Skokie, IL we have first class police, fire and first responders to go with a healthy, vibrant economy. These amenities however, do not make us immune to crime, natural disaster or other problems. We urge all locals to make simple changes in their lock protection and overall security so that they can lead a safer and better secure lifestyle. Poor or older neighborhoods often deal with inner-city problems that often don’t plague higher income sections. But don’t be fooled. The old adage; “follow the money” holds true, here too. Higher end sections of town often deal with burglars, drug dealers and car theft as crooks know where to get an endless supply of what they are looking for. Domestic violence occurs in poor and wealthy neighborhoods alike.
Grab your clippers!
Grab your hedge clippers to be exact. One easy and smart way to make your home surroundings a bit safer is to trim trees, bushes, groves and hedges at your property. Move, or take down signs or benches that can obstruct views and be used to hide behind. Not only do you NOT want to be observed by a crook, you also don’t want to be abducted, filmed or assaulted by someone with an axe to grind or an imagined or real vendetta against you or your family.
Lock your doors!
Yes, lock your doors when at home and of course, when away. Get in the habit of doing this and before you know it; it will be second nature. Do NOT hide a spare key under the door mat or in the flower pot by the front door! These are the first places a burglar or home invader will look! If you must, give a spare key to a trusted neighbor or friend if you are worried about a possible lockout situation.
Close the drapes!
You don’t have to live like a refugee but remember; when it’s dark out and the lights are on inside, it’s easy to see pretty much everything going on in the house. You want to avoid off- balanced people that might want to rob, abduct or accost you. “Peeping Toms” don’t have to creep outside your doors or windows if they can comfortably see from behind a tree or an empty home or building.
Rekey locks
We know what you’re thinking; your locks are perfectly fine, so why rekey them? Think about it though. The keys you have were given to you when you bought your home or leased it. How many others have had access (or copies!) of those same keys? Builders, contractors, realtors, loan officers, landscapers, designers, property managers and many other persons have had access to your house key.
Now, add some new key holders like your kids, your spouse, baby sitters, landscapers, friends, neighbors, dog walker, friends of children, and so on. Wouldn’t it be nice to have new keys made? Just call your local residential locksmith and have them rekey your home locks. The same locks are used and only the interior pins are altered so that the old keys no longer work. Presto; you now have an affordable way for better key control and distribution.
Other tips
You can always add simple, affordable and effective lock hardware to your life that not only increases security, peace of mind is enhanced, too. These items include peepholes, deadbolt additions, bump proof locks, a mailbox lock, and even a motion detector light over the garage.
Home Security, Living Alone | Effectiveness Of Locks | Choose the Right Lock | Deadboldts, Why for Homeowners | Lock And Key Types | Lock Maintenance | Lockouts Why Call A Locksmith | Rekey or Replace Locks | Security for Commercial Property | Signs Better Security Is Needed | Symptoms of Car Ignition Issues | What Locksmiths Do? | What To Do Jammed Safe? | What To Do To Prevent Lockouts? | who is authorized to change locks